Becoming Neighbours
WELCOME We are glad you are here! We provide a companion progam which matches immigrants and refugees with members of Roman Catholic women and men religious congregations and their associates and friends. We share presence and act as friends, guides, prayer partners and mentors during the newcomers initial adjustment to Toronto. We provide ongoing education, formation and the opportunity to reflect upon the experience of working with and for immigrants and refugees in dialogue with their faith stories. We offer hands-on opportunities for immigrants and refugees to be engaged with us in ministry.
About Us
Who We Are
Who We Are Becoming Neighbours is a companion program that matches immigrants and refugees with members of Roman Catholic women and men religious congregations and their associates and friends. They provide a presence and act as friends, guides and mentors during the newcomers initial adjustment to Toronto. What Is Unique About Becoming Neighbours? It is a companion program in which immigrants and refugees are matched with members of Roman Catholic women and men religious congregations and their associates and friends in collaboration in mission. It provides ongoing education, formation and the opportunity to reflect upon the experience of working with and for immigrants and refugees in dialogue with their faith stories. Who Can Be Companions? Those who accompany refugees and immigrants Those who are prayer partners for immigrants and refugees Those who network with other to address immigration inequities Read about OUR HISTORY Let us share OUR VISION with you
What’s New
Good News Stories
A Family Reunited
A Family Reunited Becoming Neighbours knows the importance of family unity and tries to make this happen whenever possible. Pictured above are Steve and Catherine welcoming their eldest child, Patricia who was abruptly taken out of the Congo to Paris by the Red Cross. Patricia was finally reunited with her parents and her three younger siblings in Toronto after six years of being separated from each other.
Fridge Notes – Companions
Fridge Notes for Companions We prepare monthly Fridge Notes for Companions and Newcomers. These provide a listing of various helpful resources. Here are the ones for Companions: Fridge Notes for Companions – August 2012
Join Us
Join us as a: Companion Our Companions commit themselves to meeting one-on-one with a refugee or new immigrant to help them develop the skills necessary for living in a new culture. Prayer Partner Our Prayer Partners commit themselves to praying daily for the refugee or new immigrants. Donor Our Donors offer support by contributing to our Education or Emergency funds . Others make donations of gently used clothing and household goods.
Contact Us Tel: (416) 267 – 4817 Email: You can also contact us using the form below: [contact-form-7 id=u002216u0022 title=u0022Contact form 1u0022] We are located at:2685 Kingston Rd. Toronto, ON M1M 1M4 View Larger Map
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